Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Why so much water?

The so called experts advise drinking a lot of water during your climb. But I really couldn't understand how that would help me. I mean I don't drink a lot of water during the day and only have a sip now and then during a training hike.

And who wants to stop for n pee break every hour. Because I have noticed that if I don't sweat, I pee a lot ;) 

Taking a whole hydration system to climb Kilimanjaro felt a bit extreme but I suppose there is a good reason for it...  I only realised this on the way down!

Drinking water helps to hydrate the lungs and brain. Your body is an engine and mostly comprises of water. The air is so dry that snow evaporates rather than melts. Drink water to keep your engine running!

I love this pack from K-Way. It takes a 2l hydration bladder and has some space for n rain jacket. Although a day pack is advised for climbing Kili, next time I will summit with only water and pay a porter extra to walk with my and carry clothes that I may want to take off. 

This pack is available at Cape Union Mart for R499. It does not include the bladder. I also needed to snip off a section of the pipe - it was a bit long. Luckily the nozzle squeezes back easily.

#k-way #capeunionmart #geartesting