Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Day 1 - Machame - 29 June 2014

After breakfast we would be picked up at 09:00!  The 12 adventurers were very VERY excited.  Gerhard had a small scale with him so we could "weigh in" so to speak.  Here and there we were over by 2 to 5 kg.  That would be US$4 per kilo.  Not a lot of money if you think about it... We took a Diamox (not going for halves but full ones) and off we went!

On arrival at the gate our driver offloaded all the bags and the porters started the big job of dividing everything (including their own stuff) into piles.  Each porter is only allowed to carry 20kg.  What a task.

In the meantime we signed in at the gate - passport numbers are needed so rather take a copy of yours with you.  A pen is a definite yes!

Machame Gate

After the sign in, we each received a lunch pack - which we were supposed to eat on the way.  We filled our water bottles and hydration packs.  We waited and waited and waited and after a long while waited some more.  While the tour operators from African Reign Safaris did some negotiations we waited some more. We were the second group to arrive and the last to depart!

From the very get go the path was steep.  My hiking poles were out - and initially I felt that they were a bit in the way but after a few hours they helped - a lot! I can see how difficult it would be if there was a lot of rain - a little rain for that matter.

The scenery was lovely - large green ferns and moss everywhere.  You don't see or hear any animals and I only saw a large row of ants once.  The temperature is not too high but we were working up a sweat. The day became long and after stopping for lunch and water and pee breaks we just couldn't see the end. A few of us decided to sprint - that's walking fast in Kili terms - to the camp.  We made it just before sun set.  Wow - already above the clouds!  It was already freezing.  I though by myself that if the first night was this cold - how will we feel at summit?

We arrived at Machame Hut at 3020 m, did the first of many sign ins and had warm tea.  They dinner tent not only offered warm tea, but coffee, Milo, popcorn and soup.  After soup we had a stew with potatoes.  After a very long day on our feet we jumped into bed.

The tents were up and each of us had quite a comfortable mattress.  I shared with 2 people but usually you share with only 1 person.  It is a bit of a struggle to do everything inside the tent.  And unfortunately we slept downhill - so not a good first night for me.

The trick is to get to camp with time to spare to change clothes - sleeping in tomorrows outfit - and to re-arrange your bag.  This happens so often that if you do it in the day time it goes much quicker.  The other reason for getting to camp with time to spare is so that you can use the toilets before the masses arrive - before they are too dirty. Unfortunately this is a little messy but if you time it well you only have to use it one - the rest of the time you can go outside :)

Night one done! Tomorrow would be more difficult - so we prepared ourselves mentally.....

Read more Day 2...

Route Overview:
Distance:  11km
Duration:  5-7 hours
Gain:  1210 m


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