Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Preparation and Departure - 27 June 2014

So finally the day came!  We had trained since March 2013 and we actually felt a bit bored with the training at the end.  Today was the day that I would fly to Tanzania and see the mountain I had been dreaming about for 18 months.

So packing for this adventure was difficult. I had to consider a few things:

1. I was only allowed 16 kg of stuff for Kili
2. I had to think of the days before and after Kili
3. I could at least fly with 30 kg of stuff.

African Reign Safaris, Backpacker's Paradise, Kilimanjaro, Machame, Moshi, Tanzania,

African Reign Safaris, Backpacker's Paradise, Kilimanjaro, Machame, Moshi, Tanzania,

African Reign Safaris, Backpacker's Paradise, Kilimanjaro, Machame, Moshi, Tanzania,

I decided to use zip lock bags to keep all my gear dry.  Every day would have its own bag, marked clearly so that I would not have to search for anything.  This was a great idea.  Really great :)

Sorting my clothes and things was easy; stuffing them into zip lock bags was not as easy.  And trying to fit everything into the duffel bag was impossible.

I ended up using a normal suite case, folding my duffel bag and putting it inside the suitcase, packing all of the other stuff on top of it.  Phew, 27 kg!!

What did I take with me?

1.  Long quick dry pants and shirt with liner socks and TK2 socks plus hiking boots - I would also fly with this outfit.
2.  The same pants and shirt for day 2 plus a thin fleece and fresh socks.
3.  Fleece lined ski pants, long sleeve t-shirt, thin fleece and rain jacket (the rain jacket was in my day pack from day 1 in case of rain in the forest)
4.  Fleece lined pants (again), long sleeve t-shirt, thin fleece and a thick fleece - fresh socks.
5.  For summit I would wear, ski socks, thermal pants, fleece lined pants, fleece tracksuit pants, rain pants and gators. Thermal shirt times 2, thin fleece, thick fleece, feather jacket, another feather jacket, windproof jacket and a wool hat, glove liners and gloves.
6.  I also packed normal ski pants for the way down and 2 extra fleeces in case of cold.  I also had a few buffs, a hat and of course fresh under ware for every day.

With all of that the extra stuff would be:
1. Hiking poles
2. Self-inflating mattress
3. Travel sheet
4. Shoes other than hiking boots (for after a long day's walk)
5. Sleeping bag - this I couldn't fit in my luggage - it had to be hand luggage.
6.  Pillow - also doubling as a travel pillow on the flight.
7.  Medication - oh my word what a bag full
8.  travel towel
9.  Loads of wet wipes, tissues and sunblock
10. Small face cloth
11. Snacks - I took too much - cut down but don't cut out
12.  Daypack - your backpack for each day - mine doubled as hand luggage and it also took my empty water bag as well as cameras and batteries.

All of this managed to find its way to Kilimanjaro International Airport.


1.  Wrap your bag in plastic and lock it with a cable tie
2.  Take a small lock with you for the mountain - porters can sometimes be sneaky
3.  Batteries and other electronics can be taken away from you at certain airports - they took a new pack of batteries at Kigali.  And the also make you take off everything.

So we arrived after a day in the air (with only one connection in Kigali).  The trip to Moshi took about an hour - and we checked into Backpacker's Paradise.

Rasta, African Reign Safaris, Backpacker's Paradise, Kilimanjaro, Machame, Moshi, Tanzania,

Rasta Moshi, African Reign Safaris, Backpacker's Paradise, Kilimanjaro, Machame, Moshi, Tanzania,

What a nice spot in the middle of the chaos.  It is safe and secure with many rooms with en-suite facilities as well as a dorm.  It as a small kitchen and an area to wash clothes.  Water is hot and toilets flush :) They have a well-stocked fridge with beers, soft drinks and water.  The owner is awesome and comes around every day to have a chat with guests.  He also has his own curio shop around the corner.  Go and Visit Rasta and his wife and child.


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