Saturday, 13 June 2015

I didn’t think I could do it

A short list of things I never thought I would be able to do

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

When my friends and I were sitting around one evening with too much wine in hand somebody mentioned that we should do something exciting.  We should climb Mount Kilimanjaro.  Of course, I said yes!  I had too much wine at that point.  I didn’t really think that I would ever do something that extreme.  But in the back of my mind I knew that if I said I would do something, I would.  Even if I had to almost die!  This big decision came about a year and a half before the actual time.  I had a lot of time to mentally and physically prepare.  I did it and I didn’t ever think I could.

Using the bushes as a toilet

I remember as a child we travelled to the coast each school break we had.  One year during the winter break it snowed on the road.  Snow in South Africa is rare so you can just imagine the excitement.  A truck skid of the road and caused a 7-hour delay on the highway.  In the 1980’s there was no real roadside convenience…  So if you had to pee you had to use the road.  I had never used nature as a toilet.  And I wasn’t planning on it.  I remember that my sister took the plunge but I just held on.  On Kilimanjaro there are toilets.  At the camps yes.  On the path no.  So here I went on this journey, never used the bush as a toilet and facing a week of outside loo breaks.  I did it!  It was easier to use the bush than using the camp facilities.  It was cleaner too.  Today I am I cured of my fear of using the bush as a toilet and can thank Kili for it!

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